Iain James Dunn – Earth & Leaf

I grew up in Hull spending my school holidays on the family farm on the southern edge of
the Peak District. I later worked on the farm before attending agricultural college and then
the University of Nottingham where I studied Agricultural Sciences.
I am a livestock specialist, dairy cows, beef and dairy goats. My career has seen me work
for ADAS, Touche Ross, Farmplan, the University of Nottingham and several farms. I then
worked for National Milk Records for 15 years and am a leading dairy farming specialist. I
left NMR in early 2010 to set up my own business and look after my two boys as a single
dad. I did have a brief return to dairy with Yorkshire Dairy Goats in 2018, since when I
have been writing and researching sustainability full time.
My online business Earth and Leaf is a Sustainability hub. We educate on sustainability,
agriculture and energy. We must help farmers adapt. Agriculture is key to the future of the
planet and to solving global warming.